
Friday, June 12, 2020

plastic girl

Plastic girl

My name is Plastic girl and I am a superhero. I pick up plastic and take it to my friend who works at the dump truck station and I give it to her. She makes it into new things and materials. Plastic girl has super senses and one is super sight so she can see plastic in the sea.

I grabbed her rubber band net and with a zoom she was off and she saved the sea and it was clean. She looked around and saw a turtle that was stuck in plastic so Plastic girl zoomed all the way to the turtle and freed him. Plastic girl has many more adventures.


  1. that is a really good job Isla of the plastic girl

  2. Hi Isla thank you for posting this on your blog I hopeful that this post will help save the sea I hope do you hope to?

  3. yes do teri
    i hope it will give oter people motervation
    not to hert the sea animals


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