
Thursday, June 18, 2020

cat girl

Hi my name is cat girl I am now the queenl of the cat’s. This is the story of how it happened. I was a regler girl and I love cat’s, then this mysterious woman came in our house. well I thought she was there, I called mum she screamed I asked her what was wrong. She asked me who I was. I said I’m Isla, confused no you are a cat. I So I looked in the mirror and screamed! I looked like a cat! Then I saw a cat and meowed, it meowed back and I could understand it said my name is Mikayla. I was meant to scream but I meowed the cat said are you ok I said yes and the cat can understand me. I talked to all the cat’s in the country where we attack the humans. I made the cat’s my slave’s, and that is how I became the queen of the cat’s.


  1. Hi Isla, what a creative story. I'm not sure I'd like to be a cat. Did the queen of cats ever return to her human form?

  2. Hi Isla I like how you made up your own story. It reminded me of your plastic girl story. Next time you could make the writing a bit bigger so it is easier to read. great job.


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