
Friday, October 29, 2021

Twinkle twinkle Little Flame

Twinkle Twinkle Little Flame

Diary entry number 12, Hi my name is Ivy. My dad is a inventor.

He made a wonderful thing for candles because we we’re in France

and France is the place for building magic. We couldn't use candles outside

at night because they would blow out so we could only use them inside.

But dad said we should be able to take the candles outside. So then dad

thought that he could make a cover for the candles. He tried a plastic bag

but that only set on fire. So he tried and tried but nothing worked so he went

to bed. I woke up and me and my brother Gorgie. went to his work shop and

tried to help but nothing worked. So mum came in and said why don't you use

glass. dad said that was a great idea. I said and use metal for the out line. Dad

said you can test it tonight we were so excited that we were in our dads workshop

all day until sun down. well we watched dad make the thing. It was a colored glass

with black metal to out line it. It was the best thing that he had made. It was finally

dark and we put on our gloves, hat, scarves and coat on and went outside. We lit

the candle and walked down the street and it hit me I know what to call this and it

called a lantern. French from Latin meaning "lamp, torch. and thats the story.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your idea for this Quick Write, Isla. It sounds like it could be a true story!


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