
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Jail Break Out

 The sun was setting our lantern's the only light for miles. our raft out of maple wood. escaping the jail of the earth created. every day as the sun set and you could see the pink and orange in the sky. they set out a hole  they dug with the spoons they ate with for supper. they slid through. the the three men were collecting maple wood for a month. then they stared working on the boat. they had enough wood to make two rafts the stole lanterns out of there sell the night they brock out of the jail the the pink and orange sky in the distance they heard campfire stories when there they were little from there mother and it was the story of tomorrow they sailed out to tomorrow the next night they where hungry and they found a small village they begged the chef of the village to make them food but the chef said no so they begged until he bugged and he did so he made the three men as much food and fam of 5 would eat in a week so they set of again finding villages to make them food they where hunting for tomorrow at night and in the day they slept a year they had been searching for tomorrow and 820 villages they had begged for food and well they where very fat so they stopped begging villages for food  and they were the most wanted criminal in the world and a prize of a million dollars for the person who caches them.  

Two Word Story ( Buddy )


Friday, December 3, 2021

The Adventure

 I was in the middle of eating dinner with some friends we were laughing about something funny that one of the friends said ( AKA Charlie ) and me and Lexie stopped laughing first and I felt dizzy and  "pop!"   me and Lexie where in Christmas land  candy cane's and lollipop we sated singing at the same time and well umm.... ooo I ran over  to a candy cane but before I liked it I slapped myself just in case I was in a dream I wasn't soooo I liked it and Lexie found chocolate and munched on it and the grass was sprinkles the awa the river was made out of white chocolate put my hand in my back pocket and  I had a straw and I drank the chocolate and I remembered that a few years ago I had a dream exactly the same and I woke up from a dream. and I was on a ferry Lexie was a sleep next to me there was a servant saying over and over again  how may I help you miss. 

Miss?! Since when was I a miss.

Your hole live mam.

Where am I.

Where are you?! ok you a on the Holiday that you recused after your parents won a million dollar's.

 a million dollar's!?  

 what oh you can't remember because of you concussion.

How did I get a concussion.

since pippa punch you in the face 

ohh. ( the twist ) dun dun dduuuuuuuunnnnnnn

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quick write

As they dash off, a glimmer of strips could be seen. a tsunami was coming the zebra was the only glimpse of black you could see for miles the rest was the dark and gloomy night. Trip trope trip trope of the hofe's of the horse's running and the zebra was running in the opiset direction towards the tsunami the zebra  was now sprinting as the tsunami was about to break the giant wall the horse's ad made to block the water from leaking though there home now it was raining as a rainbow was appearing and the tsunami was inching closer the zebra was now picking up stones and stick's the tsunami was so close so was the zebra as you would think it knew some thing would happen it was now picking up seaweed that had leaked though the wall the zebra was about half a mile away it picked up more thing's  around it and the tsunami had knocked down the wall and it was a few meters away a whop a giant fores fields cover over the land and splash the tsunami had stoped and did't hit any thing

Friday, October 29, 2021

Twinkle twinkle Little Flame

Twinkle Twinkle Little Flame

Diary entry number 12, Hi my name is Ivy. My dad is a inventor.

He made a wonderful thing for candles because we we’re in France

and France is the place for building magic. We couldn't use candles outside

at night because they would blow out so we could only use them inside.

But dad said we should be able to take the candles outside. So then dad

thought that he could make a cover for the candles. He tried a plastic bag

but that only set on fire. So he tried and tried but nothing worked so he went

to bed. I woke up and me and my brother Gorgie. went to his work shop and

tried to help but nothing worked. So mum came in and said why don't you use

glass. dad said that was a great idea. I said and use metal for the out line. Dad

said you can test it tonight we were so excited that we were in our dads workshop

all day until sun down. well we watched dad make the thing. It was a colored glass

with black metal to out line it. It was the best thing that he had made. It was finally

dark and we put on our gloves, hat, scarves and coat on and went outside. We lit

the candle and walked down the street and it hit me I know what to call this and it

called a lantern. French from Latin meaning "lamp, torch. and thats the story.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

chrstchurch symphony orchestra

                              Christchurch symphony orchestra 

 Christchurch Symphony Orchestra Has all different interments there were 5 people and they played the french horn the violas and the violin. There names were Emma Kathy Sharon Ross and Serenity. They held a concert and they told us that we would hold a concert on Friday the 22nd. I'm playing the violin and we worked together to make a rap and it goes like this 

Whats up there, No air, No gravity, 

Dark to infinity (Shhhhh)

When the earth travels around the sun 
I see day and Night
- Mercury
- Neptune
- Earth 
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Mars

- No Pluto 

X 2

Thursday, September 23, 2021

the chocolate earth

 Today we made a chocolate earth, with m,n,m's (outer/nner core) marshmallow's (mantle) and chocolate (crust).  The earth is the same as the crust is hard and on the earth the mantle is the biggest layer. There are 4 layers and the marshmallow is different as the earth is not eatable. It is not made out of lava ( crust ) ( mantle ) ( outer core )  ( inner core)

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Egg Earth

Today we were doing an experiment with eggs. We slightly cracked them then we cut them in half. Were comparing the similarity and the differences. There are four layers the crust, mantle, outer core and the inner core. The outer core if you boil the egg long enough you can see a bit of green. It was supposed to be showing but it was not so we only had the crust mantle and the inner core.  the crust is the first layer it is the shell on the egg. the mantle is the white on the egg. the outer core is the green on the egg the inner core is the yoke.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Matariki report

  Matariki is a Maori new year and a celebration in New Zealand and it goes in winter for around 28 days over June and July.

In English Matariki means eye of the god or tiny eye. The children of the god Papatuanuku and the sky father Rangnui. They were separated and brought light over the earth. Eventually Tane mahuta the god of the forest, laid on his back and used his feet to force them apart.

We celebrate Matariki when  eating and cooking kia with family and friends, we make and fly kites, make woven clothes and baskets to remember the past and the present and store food up for the winter. 

Matariki is important to New Zealand because the 9 stars are what we celebrate for Matiriki. We celebrate the past and present of our family. I like Matariki because of all the yummy kia and the fireworks in New Brighton.

Matriki should be a public holiday, because other thing’s native to New Zealand or not like queens birthday that she's on the other side of the world to NZ so why is it public holiday in New Zealand? and why not Matariki?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Temperature, Capacity and mass

 Term 3, 2021 Temperature

 1 ) I learnt that the average temperature human body is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit 
 2 ) I learnt that the boiling point is 212 degrees Fahrenheit 
3 ) I learnt that the freezing point 32 degrees Fahrenheit

I learnt that

I learnt that capacity is how much that something can hold 
I learnt that if that 1  I had a jug with water in it and one test tube with water in it have the same height of water  they don't have the same amount of water    
I learnt  every thing can hold different or the same amount of stuff

I learnt that mass is weight

I leanrt  that if one if  had 1 rock and 30 feathers the rock  ways more 

I learnt that mass can use any scale

for math's  did a slide show all about the differnt types of weight

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The learning celebration

learning celebration 

on the 8th of July 2021 there was a learning celebration 

in my class there was soup, models and more 

me and my group made ferrymead the port hills and lyttelton 

I was very proud of my work there was a challenge 

I heard it was a laugh and then I relisted

what the laugh was it was when had to make

we had to dress up in a 1850s dress 

but out of paper!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday mashup art

 for Monday mashup I chose art. urmi told us to chose our art. I wanted to recreate and famous art work. I chose starry night and this is what I created 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Raining trampoline

I have made a newspaper about me going to lexie's house 

and enjoy reading my newspaper 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Bridle Path

 on Tuesday the 6th of July tawirimatea walked the bridle path.

we went because we would know how it felt for the europeans .

we walked up a steep path so we would experience what the europeans  did.

at the start I felt energetic and at the end I was so tired I would of fell a sleep on the spot .

 think it would have been harder for the europeans because they had to carry all of there belongings .

the hardest thing for me was going down hill and trying not to slip .

I felt like I just ran a marathon and I won.


Thursday, July 1, 2021

makey makey

 A makey makey is a type of circuit that conducts electricity like play-doh, tin foil, straw and paper clip we buddies up and I was with Amber we designed a controller our controler was and tv remote then we made the controller out of card and pencils we powered up the makey and... sadly it didn't work but we still tried and  liked doing it 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dancing like the stars

for dancing like the stars 
we have been working really hard 
to get the moves perfect 
me and my partner have been 
working really hard  
we have an really important
show at the Isaac theater royal 
on 23 of June i'm so exited 
and I can't wait for tomorrow.
hope we do well

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ferry mead

We went to ferry mead. When I woke I was so excited. When I got in to school I was so exited. Then I got in the van. When we got to ferry mead we learnt all the rules like ladys before gentlemen and children must been seen and not herd and you must look after your shoes. We learnt all the rules. We went in and we put on costumes. The girls wore dresses and aprons and the boys wore knickerbockers and button up shirts. There were 4 activities and they were v shaped huts, arts and crafts, immigrants and packing the trunk. I loved all the activities. I learnt what type of diseases they had so they can't go on the boat. I recommend you go to ferrymead too.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

An icy plunge

 Where is the pup’s mother? The pups mothers getting fish for her pup.

What animal is she? seal.

What might she have learnt already from her mother? How to catch fish and how to swim. 

How old is the pup? A couple days old. 

Do you remember learning to swim? What were the biggest challenged you had to overcome? To  Remember to kick. 

Will the pup be brave enough the enter? I think that the pup will when t finds its courage.

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others?  Because some fish or animals have bigger fins. 

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? If I was that pup I would be nervous because I would not now what is under me.

Would you be able to do it? I would if I bilt up the courage.

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would ever she get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge she tried to move forward but it only made it worse 

She splashed her fin and she was moving the ice pach and she was moving closer and closer to a glacier! She tried to use her tail to swim away

But she just moved closer and closer when she was so close to the glacier she bumped into it and the glacier broke! It was a couple meters away from it then 

She felt something touching her it pulled he to to a big ice pach bigger than the previous one she looked behind her and it was her mother.

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help?

The pup lay on the snow. She looked at the water. It was a gloomy day. It was cold.

Can you use relative clauses to add extra information to a sentence using who, which, where, when, whose or that?

E.g. The pup, who was only a few days old, prepared for the icy plunge.

Her fur, , was white.

The water, , was turquoise

The snow , , was soft

Her eyes , , are dreamy 

The ice , , was cold 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pirates of the Caribbean


 pirates of the caribbean song


                                                A intens battle between two army's 

fighting for an Island people over board 

Silence occurs missals (Boom!) 

It hit the ship one ship left …

(jump) sword fighting now

Captain vs captain  

Jack sparrow Vs captain hook 

One on one fight 

Winner is Jack sparrow!

 pirates of the caribbean song


                                                A intens battle between two armys 

fighting for an Island people over board 

Silence occurs misslals (Boom!) 

It hit the ship one ship left …

(jump) sord fighting now

Captain vs captain  

Jack sparrow Vs captain hook 

One on one fight 

Winner is Jack sparrow

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Moeraki Boulders

Moeraki Boulders
By Isla

By Isla 

Take a moment and vist.

Go to Moeraki Boulders

Live there. or even stay there For a while. 

Beautiful beach . mouth watering restaurant. 

Awesome people. swim in the warm beach. 

and go Climb on there famous boulders.

It has everything except you. go and visit 

Moeraki Boulders.



 What is Te papa? a Museum in Wellington.

What is your favorite exhibit? lego art 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Quinney's Bush Camp

Come  to Quinnys Bush camp

exciting lake Relaxing stream

streaming slide lots of equipment 

And camp ground go across the road 

To the honey shop 

All its missing is you 


Monday, May 10, 2021

School lunches


This is My slide show that I made for math"s made it with Lexe, Aalyah and Charlie  

This s how I made it. make a google form write 5 questions and send it to lots of people make a slide show of all the data you collected write a letter and that s how to make a google form  


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

The hill play ground

 I hear juniors learning and sand being tipped into pots.

The wind is sawing through the trees.

I see the shimmering metal slide. 

I see the Dental van with kids coming and going.

I see half a dome like ball buried in the ground.

I smell crisp air.

I smell brown lumber.

I smell a tree like  its brushing beneath my nose.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A postcard from Charlie


This is a post card for Charlie in London. We did an interview, she thought the food and people would be caring and rubbish free. the food would be cheese! She thought the weather would be sunny a little rainy but mostly sunny.  

Monday, March 8, 2021

an acrostic poem


Self loving 



This is how to make acrostic poem. Write you or your Friends name down a page of paper with the letters of your friends or your name do that with all the letters. Next to the letters spell thing the represent you or your friend. That is how to write an acrostic poem.

Monday Mashup Garden Group

 Today we went to the garden for Monday mashup me and some other people were planting some seeds we planted spring onion, cauliflower, spinach and pumpkin. we ran out of spring onion, cauliflower and spinach. so Nigel got out some pumpkin seed we planted every seed. I picked an apple most of the apple are gone because we harvested most of the fruit two weeks before we ran out of sporks to write the names of the fruit and veggies so me and Aaliyah went to get some more. 


Friday, March 5, 2021

Garden writing

 Garden writing

I hear the wind slipping thought the leafs Apples falling from the trees. old wood creaking.

I smell peaches. Fresh air. I smell flowers growing. I smell compost.

I see green peaches falling from the trees .I see plums. I see pears on the cylinder shaped tree

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


This week we did a quick write and this is what  I wrote.

I was in bed on a lovely Christmas morning, when I heard bells Christmas bells? I looked  out the window,  it was Santa, but  not the real Santa (I hoped!) There was two or more things wrong with this Santa. One: He was out during the day time! Second: It wasn't and real sled it was a motor bike combined with a truck?! and now he was droping bags of coal on the ground! but luckily he wasn't the real Santa, because that night I woke up to get a drink of milk. I got up and heard silent but big foot steps. they weren't my dads. then "slurp"?! I freaked out. I cried and called mum and dad and they came. then I feinted in my bed. I woke up drowsily it was Christmas morning. it all felt like a dream

Monday, February 15, 2021