
Thursday, September 17, 2020



She’s skinny like a small tree trunk and dark

Her hand is as soft as a carpet on the back of your leg

Her breath smells like licorice

Eyes soft and blue like the sky 

She moves as quick as a ninja 

Carrying a bag full of sadness 

A voice softly calls “come closer”


Thursday, September 10, 2020


          The Bridle path

The Bridle path was usual enough; it had 

Rocks, trees, dirt ,benches and sheep 

My dad and I did what families do .

We looked At the View, read the signs, smelled the fresh air and learned The history 

Doing nothing important.



Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Today we planted seeds. Last month we germinated some  seeds in plastic bags. I planted a pinto bean and a lima bean. After a few weeks, we put them into pots that turn into soil. Sadly, mine didn’t grow. Today we planted them in the veggie garden. Hopefully, mine will grow in the veggie garden. We planted them against a tepee so the beans can grow up them. We put our names on a popsicle stick and poked them in next to our plants. Some plants have already grown a bit. Now I know how to look after plants. My beans' names are Greeny and Sammy.