
Tuesday, August 4, 2020


We had 4 different seeds : lima beans, pinenuts, corn, chickpeas pinto beans. We carefully peeled off the seed coat. Then we broke the seed in half. One side had an embryo and the other had food supply . It was fun when  we found the embryo! I learned you can eat pine nuts . The most interesting thing was that every seed has a baby inside which it is also called the embryo. The part I liked   finding the embryo. It was fun. There are 4 stages in finding the embryo.

First you soak the seed for 24 hours then you take off the seed coat, break it in half carefully. One side will have the food supply 

which is called the cotyledon and the other side is called the embryo which is the baby.By Cylis, Isla.


  1. Kia ora Isla,

    What an interesting blog post. I didn't know that seeds had an embryo in them. I thought that a seed was simply a seed. Thank you for teaching me about the different parts. It will help me understand how I can use seeds from the things I eat in my garden.

    Keep up the great learning and blogging,
    :) Sharon - Te Ara Tūhura Education Programme Leader

  2. good job isla I like the way you told us what kind of beans you used. maybe next time try not to do much thens and ands. I never new some of that stuff thank you for telling us.

  3. Hi Isla, this is a great thing to blog about. Make sure not to put the same information more than once. You should do another post when you learn something new. Great job.

  4. hi isla i'm Sophie i liked how you soaked the nuts fist but what did you use to break the nuts open?

    from: sophie :)

  5. Kia ora Isla
    I really how you told us how to do a seed dissection
    this reminded me of when I was peling seeds but I did not know how to do it properly like this
    next time can you please tell us what some of the words ment because I do not know a couple of them
    can you do this with all seeds?

  6. Good Job isla, i like all the discribing words and the detail, i never knew seeds had embryo in them.

  7. your correct I read over t again and you right


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