
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Jail Break Out

 The sun was setting our lantern's the only light for miles. our raft out of maple wood. escaping the jail of the earth created. every day as the sun set and you could see the pink and orange in the sky. they set out a hole  they dug with the spoons they ate with for supper. they slid through. the the three men were collecting maple wood for a month. then they stared working on the boat. they had enough wood to make two rafts the stole lanterns out of there sell the night they brock out of the jail the the pink and orange sky in the distance they heard campfire stories when there they were little from there mother and it was the story of tomorrow they sailed out to tomorrow the next night they where hungry and they found a small village they begged the chef of the village to make them food but the chef said no so they begged until he bugged and he did so he made the three men as much food and fam of 5 would eat in a week so they set of again finding villages to make them food they where hunting for tomorrow at night and in the day they slept a year they had been searching for tomorrow and 820 villages they had begged for food and well they where very fat so they stopped begging villages for food  and they were the most wanted criminal in the world and a prize of a million dollars for the person who caches them.  

Two Word Story ( Buddy )


Friday, December 3, 2021

The Adventure

 I was in the middle of eating dinner with some friends we were laughing about something funny that one of the friends said ( AKA Charlie ) and me and Lexie stopped laughing first and I felt dizzy and  "pop!"   me and Lexie where in Christmas land  candy cane's and lollipop we sated singing at the same time and well umm.... ooo I ran over  to a candy cane but before I liked it I slapped myself just in case I was in a dream I wasn't soooo I liked it and Lexie found chocolate and munched on it and the grass was sprinkles the awa the river was made out of white chocolate put my hand in my back pocket and  I had a straw and I drank the chocolate and I remembered that a few years ago I had a dream exactly the same and I woke up from a dream. and I was on a ferry Lexie was a sleep next to me there was a servant saying over and over again  how may I help you miss. 

Miss?! Since when was I a miss.

Your hole live mam.

Where am I.

Where are you?! ok you a on the Holiday that you recused after your parents won a million dollar's.

 a million dollar's!?  

 what oh you can't remember because of you concussion.

How did I get a concussion.

since pippa punch you in the face 

ohh. ( the twist ) dun dun dduuuuuuuunnnnnnn