
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quick write

As they dash off, a glimmer of strips could be seen. a tsunami was coming the zebra was the only glimpse of black you could see for miles the rest was the dark and gloomy night. Trip trope trip trope of the hofe's of the horse's running and the zebra was running in the opiset direction towards the tsunami the zebra  was now sprinting as the tsunami was about to break the giant wall the horse's ad made to block the water from leaking though there home now it was raining as a rainbow was appearing and the tsunami was inching closer the zebra was now picking up stones and stick's the tsunami was so close so was the zebra as you would think it knew some thing would happen it was now picking up seaweed that had leaked though the wall the zebra was about half a mile away it picked up more thing's  around it and the tsunami had knocked down the wall and it was a few meters away a whop a giant fores fields cover over the land and splash the tsunami had stoped and did't hit any thing