
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

An icy plunge

 Where is the pup’s mother? The pups mothers getting fish for her pup.

What animal is she? seal.

What might she have learnt already from her mother? How to catch fish and how to swim. 

How old is the pup? A couple days old. 

Do you remember learning to swim? What were the biggest challenged you had to overcome? To  Remember to kick. 

Will the pup be brave enough the enter? I think that the pup will when t finds its courage.

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others?  Because some fish or animals have bigger fins. 

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? If I was that pup I would be nervous because I would not now what is under me.

Would you be able to do it? I would if I bilt up the courage.

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would ever she get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge she tried to move forward but it only made it worse 

She splashed her fin and she was moving the ice pach and she was moving closer and closer to a glacier! She tried to use her tail to swim away

But she just moved closer and closer when she was so close to the glacier she bumped into it and the glacier broke! It was a couple meters away from it then 

She felt something touching her it pulled he to to a big ice pach bigger than the previous one she looked behind her and it was her mother.

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help?

The pup lay on the snow. She looked at the water. It was a gloomy day. It was cold.

Can you use relative clauses to add extra information to a sentence using who, which, where, when, whose or that?

E.g. The pup, who was only a few days old, prepared for the icy plunge.

Her fur, , was white.

The water, , was turquoise

The snow , , was soft

Her eyes , , are dreamy 

The ice , , was cold 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pirates of the Caribbean


 pirates of the caribbean song


                                                A intens battle between two army's 

fighting for an Island people over board 

Silence occurs missals (Boom!) 

It hit the ship one ship left …

(jump) sword fighting now

Captain vs captain  

Jack sparrow Vs captain hook 

One on one fight 

Winner is Jack sparrow!

 pirates of the caribbean song


                                                A intens battle between two armys 

fighting for an Island people over board 

Silence occurs misslals (Boom!) 

It hit the ship one ship left …

(jump) sord fighting now

Captain vs captain  

Jack sparrow Vs captain hook 

One on one fight 

Winner is Jack sparrow

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Moeraki Boulders

Moeraki Boulders
By Isla

By Isla 

Take a moment and vist.

Go to Moeraki Boulders

Live there. or even stay there For a while. 

Beautiful beach . mouth watering restaurant. 

Awesome people. swim in the warm beach. 

and go Climb on there famous boulders.

It has everything except you. go and visit 

Moeraki Boulders.



 What is Te papa? a Museum in Wellington.

What is your favorite exhibit? lego art 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Quinney's Bush Camp

Come  to Quinnys Bush camp

exciting lake Relaxing stream

streaming slide lots of equipment 

And camp ground go across the road 

To the honey shop 

All its missing is you 


Monday, May 10, 2021

School lunches


This is My slide show that I made for math"s made it with Lexe, Aalyah and Charlie  

This s how I made it. make a google form write 5 questions and send it to lots of people make a slide show of all the data you collected write a letter and that s how to make a google form  


Wednesday, May 5, 2021