
Friday, March 19, 2021

The hill play ground

 I hear juniors learning and sand being tipped into pots.

The wind is sawing through the trees.

I see the shimmering metal slide. 

I see the Dental van with kids coming and going.

I see half a dome like ball buried in the ground.

I smell crisp air.

I smell brown lumber.

I smell a tree like  its brushing beneath my nose.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A postcard from Charlie


This is a post card for Charlie in London. We did an interview, she thought the food and people would be caring and rubbish free. the food would be cheese! She thought the weather would be sunny a little rainy but mostly sunny.  

Monday, March 8, 2021

an acrostic poem


Self loving 



This is how to make acrostic poem. Write you or your Friends name down a page of paper with the letters of your friends or your name do that with all the letters. Next to the letters spell thing the represent you or your friend. That is how to write an acrostic poem.

Monday Mashup Garden Group

 Today we went to the garden for Monday mashup me and some other people were planting some seeds we planted spring onion, cauliflower, spinach and pumpkin. we ran out of spring onion, cauliflower and spinach. so Nigel got out some pumpkin seed we planted every seed. I picked an apple most of the apple are gone because we harvested most of the fruit two weeks before we ran out of sporks to write the names of the fruit and veggies so me and Aaliyah went to get some more. 


Friday, March 5, 2021

Garden writing

 Garden writing

I hear the wind slipping thought the leafs Apples falling from the trees. old wood creaking.

I smell peaches. Fresh air. I smell flowers growing. I smell compost.

I see green peaches falling from the trees .I see plums. I see pears on the cylinder shaped tree