
Wednesday, February 24, 2021


This week we did a quick write and this is what  I wrote.

I was in bed on a lovely Christmas morning, when I heard bells Christmas bells? I looked  out the window,  it was Santa, but  not the real Santa (I hoped!) There was two or more things wrong with this Santa. One: He was out during the day time! Second: It wasn't and real sled it was a motor bike combined with a truck?! and now he was droping bags of coal on the ground! but luckily he wasn't the real Santa, because that night I woke up to get a drink of milk. I got up and heard silent but big foot steps. they weren't my dads. then "slurp"?! I freaked out. I cried and called mum and dad and they came. then I feinted in my bed. I woke up drowsily it was Christmas morning. it all felt like a dream

Monday, February 15, 2021